Kendel Christensen Apps

101+ Charming Date Ideas 1.0
Kendel Christensen
Reduce the anxiety and repetitiveness of dating with theknowledgethat your plans for the evening will impress and delight.With ComeCloser: 101+ Charming Date Ideas, you'll get the best,most refinedideas from a perfectionist who wanted every date tostand out asmemorable, magical, and something that sparked a"connection" andcontinued interest in the other person. This bookalso includes aresource to generate nearly infinite future ideas soyou will neverneed any other date idea resource. After a decade ofexperience ofgoing on over 300 dates, this collection has only thehighestquality ideas for your benefit. There are some classicsyou'veheard before (with a twist), but there's an abundance ofideasyou've never heard of and you'll want to immediately try onceyouread them. 101+ Charming Date Ideas has been describedas..."rejuvenating and memorable...this is a one-stop shop fortakingover-used traditional dates to a more engaging andsatisfyinglevel" -Tracy Robbins, World Language Teacher. Arlington,VA."help[ed] me think outside of the dating box." -TylerLefevor,Doctoral Candidate in Counseling Psychology, University ofMiami,Coral Gables, FL. "One of the best parts about these ideas,for me,is that MANY of them are ready to go. You can pick up thebook,read an idea, and head out the door... I recently sufferedapainful breakup. Though I will obviously need time to heal, Iamalmost excited to get back out there, if only just toexperiencesome of these GREAT date ideas!" - -Bradley Mecham,SoftwareDeveloper and Transportation Engineer, Taylorsville, UT